Taillight FAQ

How do I configure steady or blinking mode?

The Taillight cable contains three wires - red, black, and green.  Red and black are always used for power.  The mode is determined by the green wire. 

    • If green is left disconnected the light will be steady.
    • If green is connected to power the light will blink.  

How can I change the mode?

If using a DC power supply like a Beacon or a battery you can change the mode by simply reversing the connection:

    1. Use a reversable connector (like our quick-release connectors)
    2. When installing the connectors to the Taillight wire, connect the green and black wires together.
    3. When connected to the power supply, the polarity will determine the mode: 
  • If the green/black wires are connected to the positive input, the Taillight will blink.
  • If the green/black wires are connected to ground, the Taillight will be steady.
  • The mode can be changed by simply reversing the connection.
    If using an AC power supply the mode can be changed by connecting or disconnecting the green wire.

        Does blinking mode affect the headlight?

        No.  The Taillight draws a steady, constant amount of power, even in blinking mode.  It does not draw pulses of power, as this would cause pulsing in the brightness of the headlight.

        Do the Red and Black power wires have a polarity?

        No, these wires have no polarity.

        Can I power the Taillight from a Headlight?

        Yes, the Taillight can be powered from any dynamo headlight.  This includes headlights with a DC output like the Beacon, or AC output like those from Schmidt, B&M, and others.  It can also work with headlights from Supernova.

        Can I power the Taillight directly from the dynamo?

        Yes!  Other dynamo taillights cannot handle the full power of the dynamo and must be protected by a headlight.  The Sinewave Taillight was designed to handle that full power and can be connected directly to the dynamo.

        What are some advantages of connecting the Taillight directly to the dynamo?

        A taillight-only setup.  Some situations may call for a taillight, but not necessarily a headlight.  Daylight-only road rides, for example.

        A taillight that remains on when the headlight is off.  A cyclist with a headlight and taillight may want to use the taillight at all times but the headlight only at night.  This can be accomplished by connecting the Taillight to the dynamo in parallel with the dynamo, as one might connect both a headlight and charger to the dynamo.

        How long is the wire?

        The Taillight wire is a short ~6".  The wire can be extended with the length and type of wire that works best for each individual setup.

        Can I power the Taillight from a battery?

        Yes, the Taillight can be powered from DC power supplies like a battery or eBike controller.  The DC input range is 3.5 - 36V.

        What mounting options are available?

        The 5mm thru-hole can be used to bolt the Taillight to any mounting point, like an eyelet or a p-clip.

        The two threaded M5 holes on the back can be used with an adapter to mount the Taillight in other locations.  For example, our rack mount adapter.

        We also have a seat post mount available.

        How long does the standlight remain illuminated?

        The fully-charged standlight will remain illuminated for about 5 minutes.

        Does the standlight blink?

        No, the standlight is always steady, even if the Taillight is set to blink.

        Why does the Taillight only begin blinking after about 10 seconds?

        The standlight capacitor needs to charge to a minimum level before the Taillight begins blinking.  This usually takes about 10 seconds.  It WILL illuminate during that time but will be steady.

        Can the standlight be turned off?

        No; because the Taillight has no switch, the standlight cannot be turned off.  It will fade and turn off after about 5 minutes.

        Does the Taillight include a reflector?

        Yes, the lens is also a reflector and will provide extra visibility, even when the Taillight is off - for example, when illuminated by car headlights.

        Does the Taillight provide side visibility?

        Yes.  The lens extends beyond the housing, providing side visibility.

        Is the shell of the Taillight grounded?

        No.  Both wires (red and black) must be connected to power.  The bicycle frame CAN be used as a conductor but you must first connect one of the Taillight wires to the frame.

        What if I have a question that isn't answered here?

        Please email us at info@sinewavecycles.com